Sparks Of Light Mac OS

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Operating Systems Mac OS X 10.11, Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.10, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.8, Mac OS X 10.7, Macintosh, Mac OS X 10.4 Additional Requirements None Popularity. Thank you for visiting Spark of The Light! Your guides and synchronicity have brought you here today because of your desire to receive healing in some form – a message from a loved one, assistance in your life from your spirit guides, or the need to receive hands-on energy healing. May you feel the Spark of The Light within you.

  1. Sparks Of Light Mac Os Catalina
  2. Sparks Of Light Mac Os X
  3. Sparks Of Light Mac Os Download

Sparks Of Light Mac Os Catalina

Hi, I'm Sharon Grennan. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a friend, and a mother to my 'miracle' daughter (more on that later!). I am also an evidential medium and healer, able to communicate with those in Spirit who have transitioned to the other side and spirit guides, as well as many from the angelic realm.

Unlike many mediums, I was not aware of my gifts as a child. I do not have memories of seeing Spirit in the classical sense, nor did I have an 'imaginary' friend. I was just a 'normal' child. However, throughout my childhood I saw images in my mind of people I had never met and of places I had never been to. I always thought that seeing these visions happened to everyone because I thought they were memories from a person's past life, as I had a strong belief in reincarnation from a very young age. Many years later I came to find out that these visions were of Spirits wanting to connect with me or I was being shown places where the Spirits once lived. They were trying to impress images upon me for a connection to their loved ones.

In young adulthood, my father introduced me to psychic/mediumship readings and séances. He and I went to readings together for many years. He became my partner in this part of my spiritual journey. I became fascinated with spirituality – I read many books, anything I could get my hands on, but as a participant only. My belief in the afterlife became more solid when I was unable to get pregnant. After many years of 'trying,' I asked my deceased grandmother to help me, as I really wanted to be a mother. I had medical infertility issues that made the likelihood of getting pregnant very slim. However, within a month of asking her for help, I was pregnant with my daughter. It was later confirmed in a mediumship reading that she assisted me. I thought my life's purpose was to be a mother and raising this miracle child. Many years later I found out that motherhood was only part of my journey here on earth.

Sparks Of Light Mac Os X

My spiritual journey continued as a 'participant' until the death of my father, my partner in all things spiritual. I went through a period of profound personal loss, but thus, brought me my 'awakening,' the next part of my journey. Wanting to connect with my father, the Universe brought me to a medium, Michael Zaikowski, who not only delivered to me comforting messages from my father, but later became my mentor and guide for all there is to learn about the spiritual world. With his 30+ years of mediumship experience and over 10 years teaching, I have been fortunate to learn (and continue to learn!) a great deal about this work.
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I then continued with mentoring and completed several psychic and mediumship development courses with Rev. Sue Freeman at Blossoming Into Light, Chester, NJ. In these classes I was also introduced to Reiki healing and felt drawn to help others with this modality as well, and became a Reiki Master.

Having spent a large part of my adult life being the receiver of messages from Spirit, I feel I have a better sense of what a client wants and needs from a reading. I have found that messages from the spirit world come through based on what is important to a soul's path. It can be loving messages from a deceased loved one, or guidance from the angelic realm or the client's spirit guides.

Sparks Of Light Mac Os Download

Sparks of light mac os catalina

While I never connected the dots when I was young, I now know that all of the synchronistic twists and turns in my life have led me to where I am now. It took the death of my father for me to see what my life purpose is and changed the direction of my life forever. I have become a trusted evidential medium and healer. (Please see Testimonials below.) As an evidential medium, I relay 'evidence' such as details of their passing, the way they look, personality traits, quirks, hobbies, and the emotional bonds they had with the client and other family members/friends. I work primarily through my intuitive sense, clairvoyant (seeing), claircognizant (sense of knowing), clairsentient (feeling/sensing), and clairaudient (hearing) abilities. My passion and calling are to use these abilities for facilitating healing and transformation in others.

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